Message from HKCCA Chairlady 2015

I am delighted to see another successful year for the Hong Kong Call Centre Association Awards and Gala Dinner and welcoming you all this evening. This year we see another record number of entries and with a new individual category being added – Contact Centre Recruitment Professional of the year....

Message from Awards Chairlady 2015

I am delighted to chair the Hong Kong Call Centre Association Awards 2015. Today, customer satisfaction is one of the key drivers to attract and retain customers.  Our theme this year is "Ease of Doing Business" which highlights the importance of giving customers hassle-free; worry-free and effecti...

Directory of Hong Kong Trade and Industrial organisations

We are pleased to share with you that HKCCA (Call Centre Association Limited) has been invited to register in HKSAR Government Trade and Industry Department’s (TID) Directory of Hong Kong Trade and Industrial organisations. Upon completing the necessary documentation, Call Centre Association Limit...

Message from HKCCA Chairlady 2013

It is now time to hold on to your customers and show them how superior you are.  In the aftermath of the financial tsunami most companies pulled back to shrink costs, however a paying customer cannot see why there should be any difference in service level especially when they are staying loyal to...
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