Announcement of New Chairman

Subsequent to the Annual General Meeting held on 12 March 2020, Hong Kong Call Centre Association (HKCCA) is pleased to announce that Mr. Michael Cowell has been elected as the new Chairman of the Association for the term 2020 to 2022. The Executive Committee had gone on record to thank Immed...

HKCCA Vendor Member – Avaya Hong Kong Ltd.

We would like to take the opportunity to welcome Avaya Hong Kong join the Association as Vendor member. Avaya’s corporate introduction Vision Avaya elevates communications to the next generation of engagement, connecting organizations to their customers, workforce, and communitie...

2019 HKCCA Annual General Meeting

Dear Members HKCCA Annual General Meeting will be held on 12 March 2020, please refer to the below arrangement for participation. 2019-HKCCA-AGM-notice-1Download 2019-AGM-FORM-OF-PROXYDownload 2020-HKCCA-Executive-Committee-Member-election-List-of-Candidates-1Download...

HKCCA Corporate Member – Approche Sur Mesure

  We would like to take the opportunity to welcome our new corporate member - Approche Sur Mesure .   Approche Sur Mesure (ASM) specializes in providing premier customer service to luxury brands. We deliver a wide range of outsourcing solutions for our global clients inclu...

HKCCA Award 2019 Supplement

HKCCA Award 2019 is drawing to a close with your support and participation. Here are the Award supplement by HKET, the Standard and Skypost for a record of a nice memories. Watch out, more activities in Year 2020! HKET20191202KBF01-new TS19_SU11013_HKCCA-Award_P4 CCA_SkyPost_...

Welcome New Vendor Member – Fano Labs Limited

Fano Labs Limited (Fano Labs) is an AI company headquartered in Hong Kong and with offices in China; with specialists focusing on AI technologies including Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Big Data Technologies to help enterprises with customer services, comp...

2018 HKCCA Annual General Meeting

To:   All HKCCA Members   Notice of Meeting:   2018 Annual General Meeting   Notice is hereby given that the 2018 Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong Call Centre Association (HKCCA) will be held from 16:00 to 17:00 on 7 March 2019 at Board Room, 28/F FWD Financ...