Announcement: Update to the Person-to-Person Marketing Calls Code of Practice

27 May 2024

In response to the public’s call for further mitigation measures regarding the recent surge of person-to-person marketing calls, the Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) has refined the Benchmark Code of Practice on Person-to-Person Marketing Calls (Benchmark CoP).

The key updates are as follows:

Clause 10. Telemarketers must, upon request from the called party, provide the staff member’s name and a contact telephone number during the person-to-person marketing call.

Clause 11. Telemarketers are limited to making no more than three unsolicited person-to-person marketing calls to the same telephone number within a calendar week, unless the called party requests or consents to additional calls. Warm calls made to the called party will be excluded from this limit.

Hong Kong Customer Contact Association (HKCCA) has communicated these proposed changes to its corporate members on 26 April 2024. The members attended expressed no issues with the amendments, and the revised HKCCA Code of Practice has been uploaded to the HKCCA website. It will be effective from 1 June 2024.

The updated Person-to-Person Marketing Calls Code of Practice aims to enhance transparency and limit the frequency of unsolicited marketing calls, addressing the public’s concerns in this area. OFCA and HKCCA encourage all telemarketers to familiarize themselves with the revised Code and ensure compliance from 1 June 2024 onwards.

For further inquiries, please contact the HKCCA Secretariat on 3966 2852